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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Team SI wishes everyone "Happy Makar Sankranti"

The first celebration that welcomes a warm festive beginning to the New Year is the Makar Sankranti festival. Makar denotes the Zodiac Capricorn while Sankranti denotes transition. On this day, the Sun enters into Capricorn making the occasion special for us to celebrate!

On this day people exchange multi-colored tilguds made from til (sesame seeds) and sugar. While  exchanging tilguls as tokens of goodwill people greet each other saying – ‘til-gul ghya, god god bola’ meaning ‘accept these tilguls and speak sweet words’. The under-lying thought in the exchange of tilguls is to forget the past ill-feelings and hostilities and resolve to speak sweetly and remain friends.

Team SI

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