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Friday, January 23, 2015

First surrogate mum: ‘I was naive - but no regrets’

A city woman who gave birth to a daughter for a couple she never met has called for a change in surrogacy laws.

Kim Cotton was Britain’s first surrogate mum when she handed over the newborn tot 30 years ago to an infertile Swedish couple.

A few years later she carried twins for a friend with fertility problems.

Despite admitting she felt “cheated” over the first arrangement, for which she was paid £6,500,Kim has no regrets about being a surrogate.

“I still think its a wonderful thing to do... Surrogacy is very empowering. It’s a wonderful, fulfilling feeling to bring a life into the world,” said the grandmother of five.

She used her own egg to conceive for the Swedish couple but the baby was made a ward of court while still in hospital.

Kim, now 58, signed a contract agreeing never to contact the child - an action she now describes as ‘naive’.

“It was absolutely shocking. It’s a feeling I can’t put into words. I was heartbroken.”

She hopes ‘Baby Cotton’ will now contact her through Facebook or other social 

“I’ve always felt it would be lovely if she wanted to find me,” she said.

Kim set up Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy (COTS) in 1988 . Though she still firmly believes in the principle, she believes the laws surrounding it should be tweaked.

She says couples should be forced to obtain a legal Parental Order before they can take home a surrogate baby. She is also calling for a more formal support network for surrogate mums, who are now paid between £12-15,000 in expenses.


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