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Monday, May 4, 2015

Amazing Shelter Cat Becomes Surrogate Mom to 4 Abandoned Newborn Chihuahua Puppies

When a woman found a box of puppies on the hood of her car with a note that explained they were born a few days prior and that their mother had died, she immediately rushed the pups to the Humane Society of Utah. Puppies this young rely on their mothers not only for meals, but also for the warmth and care that they need to thrive. Without these three things, the poor pups were doomed to an untimely end.

Thankfully, the kind people at the Humane Society knew exactly how to care for these newborns and placed them in the care of a surrogate cat mom.

While it might sound a little strange that these vet professionals intentionally placed puppies with a cat, as you can see in this video, when it comes to motherly instinct, species is hardly a dealbreaker.

Kit the tabby cat recently gave birth to a litter of kittens and was able to nurse the pups and happily nuzzles and grooms them as if they were her own! Thanks to the team of compassionate people and this wonder-cat-mom, these little puppies are sure to grow up nice and strong!


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