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Friday, May 8, 2015

Religion and State: Nepal Surrogacy, Women of the Wall, and Social Media for Social Change

VOI’s Molly Livingstone is joined in-studio with Joel Katz, editor of “Religion and State in Israel,” to hear about the latest headlines making waves. The Nepal earthquake has brought the issue of surrogacy to the fore, as many male couples travel to Nepal to engage in the process, which is forbidden in Israel. What is the actual law? What does Jewish Law have to say about it?

Then, Gal Sava, CEO of Viva Surrogacy, who fathered two children by this method, details the current condition of Nepalese surrogates and babies, and explains why same-sex couples and singles go to Nepal for surrogacy.

Molly and Joel also discuss the major item about the Women of the Wall reading from the Torah on the women’s side of the partition at the Western Wall for the first time ever — and the chaos and violence that ensued.

Finally, how did social media help one woman finally get a divorce after a four-year battle?


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