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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Forms of surrogacy

There are two forms of surrogacy. In the first, the surrogate mother’s own egg cell is used to conceive the child. In the other form, there is no genetic relationship between the surrogate mother and the child.

Two ways to become a surrogate mother

  • Naturally or by artificial insemination
    The surrogate mother can become pregnant naturally or by artificial insemination. The fertilised egg is her own. This is known in the Netherlands as ‘low-tech surrogacy’. The surrogate mother is the child’s genetic mother.
  • By implanting an embryo
    An embryo produced by IVF is implanted in the surrogate mother’s womb. The egg cell is not her own. This procedure is known in the Netherlands as ‘high-tech surrogacy’. The surrogate mother is not the child’s genetic mother.

In the Netherlands, embryos used in high-tech surrogacy must always be produced using the egg cells and sperm of the intended parents. This is laid down in the 1998 medical guidelines on high-tech surrogacy. Doctors are now thinking about whether they need to update these guidelines.


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