SurrogacyIndia’s focus is in fertility, not infertility. Making babies, is possible. ‘Possible’ is what we believe in.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015


INSTAR is a one of a kind Organisation which includes Top Fertility Consultants, ART Banks, Embryologist, Urologists, Lawyers and others who are actively involved in IVF and Third Party Reproduction in India and abroad will be participating in this Annual Conference.

During the Conference attention will be paid to a whole range of topics like Medical, Legal, Ethical & Social Aspects in Third Party ART in India with special Emphasis on Surrogacy, with leaders in the field  sharing the latest up to date information, clarifying questions and sharing current knowledge and expertise regarding Indian and International ART with special Emphasis on Surrogacy.

According to Dr. Himanshu Bavishi who is the President of INSTAR “the Aim of the Annual INSTAR conference is to create awareness amongst the Indian public regarding  the growth in the field of Assisted Reproduction and particularly related to surrogacy and how and Why India has become the world leader in Assisted Reproduction and Fertility Tourism.

According to Dr. Rita Bakshi who is the organising Secretary for the Conference vice president of INSTAR “The conference will discuss the ICMR draft Bill for ART and will encourage participants to give their views on the changes that clinicians and others would like to see in the draft bill before it is presented in the parliament.”

According to Dr. Shivani Gaur who is Secretary INSTAR  “We need to put out the benefits that Assisted Reproduction has been able to offer to the Millions of Infertile couples from india and across the world and encourage medical Tourism.”

Dr. Samit Sekhar who is Joint Secretary INSTAR and part of the organising Committee states that “This is a coming together of some of the top minds in the field of Assisted Reproduction and this conference will go a long way in benefitting infertile couples from India and abroad because topics will include on how to make Assisted reproductive techniques like IVF and Surrogacy more affordable to the Indian Population.”

The one day annual INSTAR conference will also allow free and frank discussions between clinicians, ART Banks, Lawyers and other stake holders in the field of ART on how they can work in close co ordination with each other and Government authorities  to streamline the ART process particularly in relation to Surrogacy.


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