SurrogacyIndia’s focus is in fertility, not infertility. Making babies, is possible. ‘Possible’ is what we believe in.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Latest Update on MHA FRRO

Effective from 1st of April for all single parent, FRRO exit visa will have to take approval from MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs), which will take 4 to 5 working days to get the exit permit and the revised rates are as follows:-

Single Parent with one Baby Rs. 9000/- & twins will be Rs 14,000/-
Rest all the charges will remain the same as single parents, papers will go to MHA, New Delhi.


Anonymous said...

This is discrimination. Are the rates for married couples different?

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed it may sound like discrimination but we have to follow the MHA rules and regulations. To avoid the difficulties during immigration for the pregnant single parent and gay couples Indian government have come up with this rule.

Unknown said...

Do I understand correctly that new law to ban single parents to pass surrogacy has ended up with tax to the hotel (for one more week) and tax to the government ? If so, I'd call it happy end :)