SurrogacyIndia’s focus is in fertility, not infertility. Making babies, is possible. ‘Possible’ is what we believe in.


Friday, April 12, 2013


Few clients whose visas were getting processed expressed their disappointment with the FRRO for the delay inspite of receiving the passport.

We may be wrong, but some consulates too met the FRRO.

This led to an internal meeting and Mr. V. Kumar, Section Head has assured that the documents will be verified and clearance will be given in 48 hours time frame. This means all parents should get their baby's exit visa and clearance in 3-4 working days.

The charges will be the same like before at the FRRO office.  I guess, finally some good news!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but why will it go through delhi, are they trying to centralise surrogacy cases to get numbers or do the visas have to be seen by MHA or Health Ministry in Delhi for approval, or will it just be seen by delhi FRRO? It does not make sense, well anyway it is worth a short delay in a whole lifetime with baby