SurrogacyIndia’s focus is in fertility, not infertility. Making babies, is possible. ‘Possible’ is what we believe in.


Friday, April 5, 2013


We did receive intimation from FRRO team that none of the Intended Parents will receive Exit Visa for their Baby/Babies from 1st April, 2013 without the approval from MHA. This is indeed a sad news and we personally wrote to Dr  R S Sharma (Deputy Director General- ICMR) asking him for his inputs about this situation.

He has responded that Currently he is in Paris, he will be back on 09/04/2013, then he will take this issue with FRRO/MHA.

We hope, we will find a way. 

We assure you that we will stand by all the SI couples and will give all the support needed during the difficult times.

As and when we get any information, we will keep you updated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad day ! It's pretty callous and opportunistic on part of the petty officils. But they can sense who can be bled. God awful for sure. But parents must keep their cool, I know it can be difficult. Take along a 3rd party, a friend, someone from the clinic, from the hotel. It'll help keep a lid on the temperature besides having a witness. Good wishes for an easy passage to all heading to the FRRO.