SurrogacyIndia’s focus is in fertility, not infertility. Making babies, is possible. ‘Possible’ is what we believe in.


Friday, August 9, 2013

As you may have read the below article, there is a lot of confusion pertaining to rules in India. Allow us to brief the same.

  1. A year back MHA had brought in a regulation, that the single parents & unmarried couples cannot undergo surrogacy in India
  2. DGHS has suggested that Foreign couples should not be allowed to do surrogacy in India.
Dr. Bhargava, the Chairman and other key stake holders have objected to these two new regulations.

We can only hope that such individual request from high bureaucratic positions are not accepted. While the bill is being cleared, Dr. Sudhir Ajja will be speaking to the media today. We will keep our readers updated with the latest information.


Tandoori Viking said...

Let's hope for the very best. Good luck, dr. Sudhir, with your media performance! I'm following your updates and look for good news!

Tandoori Viking said...

I just saw the interview. Great job from both doctors and Karin and Martin.
*Made me miss India and SI so badly*