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Monday, March 16, 2015

Doncaster mum gives birth to gay son’s baby

Andrew McCaren/Ross Parry Picture shows Kyle Casson from Skellow in Doncaster. Anne Marrie Casson has become a surogate for her gay sone Kyle the little boy miles was born last year at full term and is now eight months old. Thje process at a private IVF clinic cost between $12000 & $14000.

A Doncaster mum has given birth to her gay son’s baby - after he told her he was desperate to become a father.

Kyle Casson, 27, picked his mum Anne-Marie, 46, to become a surrogate and carry his son Miles, now eight months old, in what is thought to be the first case of its kind in the UK.

Mrs Casson, who lives in Intake with her husband Alan became pregnant with a donor egg fertilised by the sperm of her son.

He is understood to be the first single man to have a child through surrogacy in Britain and the first to use his own mother as a surrogate.

The arrangement emerged after a High Court judge ruled that Mr Casson can now adopt the baby and become his legal father - even though he is also the tot’s brother in the eyes of the law.

Mrs Casson, of Lakeen Road, told a national newspaper she felt compelled to help her son, a supermarket worker from Skellow, have a baby and said: “When he first came to me, I thought ‘I could do it.’ Some people when they did find out said ‘urgh’ but they don’t understand.

“He is not biologically tied to me, other than he’s my grandson. I love being a parent and for Kyle to experience that, I would do that for him.”

Mrs Casson stepped in after another female relative who had initially been lined up to be a surrogate mum found she was unable to do it.

Because he is single, Mr Casson was turned away by surrogacy clinics across the country. While it is not illegal for single parents to enter into a surrogacy arrangement, the law prevents them from applying for an order that they need to legally raise their child in the UK.

Rules stipulate that a surrogate mother must hand a child over to two parents, usually a couple in “an enduring family relationship.”

But judge Mrs Justice Theis ruled last week that the adoption would not break the law because the baby and its father are legally related as brothers.

The process at a private IVF clinic cost between £12,000 and £14,000 and Mrs Casson gave birth to Miles last July by caeserean section.

Speaking publicly for the first time, Mr Casson said: “I understand that not everyone will agree with it, but they can have their opinions. I have a son and I am very happy. As long as people can provide a home and they have the support, I don’t see why anyone should be denied the right to be a parent. “Regardless of sexuality, gender, as long as you can provide for the child, I don’t see what the problem is.”

He added that he will explain his son’s unusual upbringing when he is older and added: “I am never going to lie to him. We will tell him at appropriate stages in his life, you have to be truthful. There is no other way.”

Mrs Casson’s husband Alan - Kyle’s stepdad - is the legal father - as he consented to the pregnancy and both are named on Miles’s birth certificate.

Kyle has younger twin brothers and was four when his mum separated from his biological dad. She went onto marry Mr Casson who adopted the boys and has raised them as his own.

He added that when Miles was born he cried and added: “I could not believe it. I did not now what he would look like because you do not know the donor, but people say he looks like me.”

He will return to work next month with Mrs Casson taking up childcare duties.


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