SurrogacyIndia’s focus is in fertility, not infertility. Making babies, is possible. ‘Possible’ is what we believe in.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Celebration being continued....

We had such wonderful celebrations yesterday.

We started with blowing up balloons, decorating with sparkles, got a beautiful cake as 100...

We all decided the night before (at 1o pm) that we will wear nice white and blue. A complete one team, SI as always when it comes to any work.
We enjoyed the cake, had nice champagne, and ate lots of cake.We shared the cake with beautiful Surrogate Mothers, as we all know that they play an important role.

We had a small photo shoot session. later we all sat down and shared the beautiful moments that we spent with all our parents and the little bubs. It was heart warming and nice. We really love you all for being there always.  

We could have never reached to what we have achieved today.
Please check out our lovely pics of celebrations...


m said...

Congratulations! Hope to be a part of your next 100.
Mark and Stephen

Tandoori Viking said...

How wonderful - congratulations! And there is more to come :D