SurrogacyIndia’s focus is in fertility, not infertility. Making babies, is possible. ‘Possible’ is what we believe in.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Bhai Dooj at SI

The festival of Bhai Dooj is celebrated by Hindus. It falls on second day after Diwali. This year it came on 28th October, 2011. Bhai Dooj makes us understand the importance of family and is especially dedicated to the sibling relationship. It also imbibes in us the feelings of caring and responsibility towards our near and dear ones. Same such feelings we have towards our surrogates. Dr Sudhir Ajja treats all the surrogates like his own sisters, which is one of the reasons that all our surrogates are emotionally bonded with him.

One of our surrogates celebrating bhai dooj with Dr Sudhir. She decorated the puja thali with sweets, kumkum, rice, diya and the most important of all, coconut. She applied tikka on his forehead and presents him a coconut and some sweets. He in return blessed and wished her.

Team SI wishes all our surrogates a “Happy Bhai Dhooj

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