SurrogacyIndia’s focus is in fertility, not infertility. Making babies, is possible. ‘Possible’ is what we believe in.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I want two surrogates!.... But is it legal?

We at SurrogacyIndia often receive queries stating that couple wish to have two surrogates at the same time. Logically, it is as good as two attempts (two transfers, with two sets of embryos). In other words: doubling your chances.

Then why don't we give two surrogates? We get criticized for not being able to provide them two surrogates unlike many other clinics.

Let me now please refer to the below excerpt from "THE ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (REGULATION) BILL - 2010", the Bible for Surrogacy in India.

34. Rights and duties in relation to surrogacy –
(20) A couple or an individual shall not have the  service of more than one surrogate at any given time. 

(21) A couple shall not have simultaneous transfer of embryos in the woman and in a surrogate.

We refer this section to our patients and get to hear that it is not a law yet and we should not be so strict about it. To all our friends and readers, it was only because of the ICMR GUIDELINE and now called ART BILL, surrogacy practice was ever allowed in this largest democratic country. If this guideline had not come out, Surrogacy would had never been practised in India. SIMPLE.

Our question: Then why certain sections of the clauses are avoided and not followed? If all of us followed the ART Bill, then there is no need of enactment. It is only because few of us make such exceptions, the Govt decides to make it into a Law and legal.

We do understand that it is a Win - Win (lucrative for any clinic to offer 2-3 surrogates and there by increasing chances exponentially for a couple to get pregnant.
But then it is not what the ART BILL says. We follow the Bill to the core.

Our viewThere are extremely less chances that any content of the Bill will change. It is ideal and ethical to stick to what is correct and right. The complications cannot be even anticipated with two nations being involved in the process.


Tandoori Viking said...

I LOVE this input and I totally agree with you. There are also other aspects of using 2 surrogates at the same time.For example, what if both surrogates get pregnant with twins? Then one baby will need to be reduced due to law. How would that feel for IP's and surrogates involved... I'm proud of you, SI!

Tandoori Viking said...

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