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Friday, February 27, 2015

Poll: Is it right that commercial surrogacy will be banned in Ireland?

NEW SURROGACY LAWS will see paid-for, or commercial, surrogacy banned in Ireland.

The government is to prepare a new law regulating surrogacy for the first time, and the heads of bill says that commercial surrogacy will be outlawed.

Non-commercial, or altruistic, surrogacy will be allowed.

In the USA, surrogacy laws vary by state. In some, commercial surrogacy is legal. It’s illegal in Australia, while both commercial and altruistic surrogacy is illegal in France and Finland, for example.

Generally, women are reimbursed for expenses in altruistic surrogacy but do not get a lump sum payment.

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1 comment:

papoluprasad said...

sir, i believe altruistic surrogacy is allowed in Australia.all expenses for living, loss of wages during that period if the lady was to be working, post delivery expenses, fees for psychologist, sociologist consultations, lawyer's fees, costs of any insurance etc are all permitted.
most of the Scandinavian countries do not want to speak about any surrogacy their citizens adopt out side of their jurisdiction. they simply do not want surrogacy contracts in their country, among their citizens.
if their citizens take recourse to surrogacy outside their country, they do not want to concern themselves with that. what they want is that their citizen declare that the child born outside their country is their child.they do not even insist on DNA matching. but in practice it is possible they ask for it. in any case the foreign couple that use one of the gametes, either of male or of female or of both of them for achieving embryos needed for achieving a pregnancy in a surrogate themselves are interested in having a DNA confirmation. since they go for it, they are equipped with the confirmation for any inquiry process.
those who have any information contrary to what i have come across may kindly post it here.